Johoreans must dump BN to save their
By Chua Jui Meng
Chua delivering his address at the
Pengerang PKR Chinese New Year dinner cum ceramah
at Dewan Poh Aur Kong in Sungai Rengit on Jan 25, 2013.
only way for Pengerang villagers to prevent from being “robbed” of their land
is to dump the Umno-led Barisan Nasional (BN) Johor and federal governments in
the coming general election.
a change in both governments can Johoreans put a stop to BN-Umno leaders’
misuse and abuse of the Land Acquisition Act 1960 to enrich themselves, their
families and cronies.
Rakyat (PR)’s PKR, DAP and PAS leaders were present at the Sept 30, 2012,
Himpunan Hijau rally in Pengerang to protest the massive acquisition of land
for the Refinery & Petrochemical Integrated Complex (Rapid).
care for your (Pengerang folk) interest. But where were your MP (Azalina
Othman) and assemblymen? Where was your Mentri Besar (Ghani Othman)?
has already started in stages but Ghani has yet to reveal the quantum of
compensation for affected villagers and also alternative accommodation.
will wipe out 17 kampongs whose residents are
mostly Malays. The 180-year-old Pekan Pengerang, a Chinese town, will suffer the same fate.
mostly Malays. The 180-year-old Pekan Pengerang, a Chinese town, will suffer the same fate.
will lose their traditional livelihood and their environment will be highly
only will you lose your land, the cemeteries of your loved ones will also be
you want to save your land and cemeteries, you must reject BN in the 13th
General Election.
land grabs in Johor started in 1992 with the then Mentri Besar Muhyiddin
Yassin, now deputy prime minister, acquiring a total of 32 million acres.
BN-Umno’s simple modus operandi is to use the Act to grab land cheaply for
property development.
the properties are sold at sky high prices, affordable only to rich
Singaporeans and non-Johoreans.
Pengerang, Rapid and the property development will not benefit Johoreans.
was first proposed to the PR Selangor government by Everwish Sdn Bhd on behalf
of Taiwan’s Kuo Kuang Corporation which failed to secure an extension of the
operation of its 52-year-old refinery in Kaoshiung from the Taiwan government.
A section of Pengerang’s Sungai Rengit
folk at the PKR Chinese New Year dinner cum ceramah
on Jan 25, 2013.
Taiwan government had rejected the request for an extension of operations due
to public protest that the refinery posed polluting, public health and safety hazards.
due consideration by the Selangor PR government under Khalid Ibrahim, the
proposed Rapid in Pulau Indah was rejected in February 2011.
was despite a significant Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) of RM10 billion, the
creation of 2,600 new jobs and 20,000 indirect employment opportunities.
also projected that Rapid had a potential to earn foreign exchange reserves of
RM13 billion per year.
BN-Umno leaders who value revenue more than public health and safety, PR
leaders and governments will ensure that only sustainable projects and
industries are approved.
The Malays are beginning to see through Umno’s 55 years of misleading the
community to enrich its leaders, their families and cronies.
Malay Chamber of Commerce Malaysia president
Syed Ali Alattas had lamented that the Malays in Johor are the poorest in
Malaysia, with cost of living skyrocketing due to the significant presence of
foreigners (Singaporeans) residing in the state.
He also pointed to the fact that 80%
of the former Malay-majority owned Iskandar land was now foreign-owned.
Syed Ali said even the Malays in
Kelantan were richer because one can buy more with the ringgit in the east
coast state.
The Malays can buy a bungalow for
RM200,000 in Kelantan but the same would cost RM1.5 million in Johor.
In the past two decades, thousands of acres of Malay ancestral and
reserve land had been acquired by Muhyiddin and now the Ghani-led Johor
government using the Land Acquisition Act.
what Syed Ali lamented at a a Malay economic congress:
Melayu Johor membimbangkan
| January 15, 2013
Tanah kerajaan diswastakan tanpa
mengira harga dan mudaratnya kepada bangsa Melayu serta rakyat Johor

Kebimbangan itu dinyatakan wakil
agensi kerajaan, perwakilan Dewan Perniagaan Melayu Malaysia (DPPMM) dan badan
bukan kerajaan (NGO) dalam satu resolusi Kongres Ekonomi Melayu Peringkat Zon
Presiden DPMM Datuk Syed Ali Alattas
ketika membentangkan resolusi yang tercapai pada 6 Januari lalu itu berkata,
kongres turut kesal
dengan isu hak milik tanah orang Melayu Johor apabila tanah kerajaan diswastakan tanpa mengira harga dan mudaratnya kepada bangsa Melayu serta rakyat Johor keseluruhannya.
dengan isu hak milik tanah orang Melayu Johor apabila tanah kerajaan diswastakan tanpa mengira harga dan mudaratnya kepada bangsa Melayu serta rakyat Johor keseluruhannya.
Syed Ali berkata, Keluaran Dalam
Negeri Kasar (KDNK) Johor akan ditentukan daripada projek pembangunan Iskandar
Malaysia di mana 80 peratus daripadanya dikuasai pelabur asing.
“Projek Iskandar memundur dan
memiggirkan orang Melayu dari segi ekonomi sekaligus meningkatkan jurang
kemiskinan,” katanya dalam sidang media di pejabatnya di sini hari ini.
Katanya, pendapatan perkapita
penduduk Johor juga semakin rendah apabila kebanyakan masyarakat Melayu kini
tidak mampu lagi membeli rumah di sekitar kawasan Iskandar.
`Tanah sendiri
dimiliki orang asing’
“Bayangkan rumah dengan keluasan 1, 300 kaki persegi kini mencecah RM1juta. Individu yang bergaji RM5,000 pun tak mampu membelinya kerana bank hanya membenarkan pinjaman sehingga RM200,000 sahaja.
“Bayangkan rumah dengan keluasan 1, 300 kaki persegi kini mencecah RM1juta. Individu yang bergaji RM5,000 pun tak mampu membelinya kerana bank hanya membenarkan pinjaman sehingga RM200,000 sahaja.
“Lebih teruk tanah sendiri dimiliki
orang asing…ini situasi merbahaya yang dihadapi penduduk Johor,” katanya.
Koridor pembangunan yang dimiliki
Khazanah Nasional Berhad dan terletak di Selatan Johor itu mempunyai keluasan
kira-kira 500,000 ekar, kira-kira tiga kali ganda daripada keluasan Singapura.
Sehubungan itu, Kongres itu mencapai
satu resolusi mahu mendesak kerajaan memperuntukkan 30 peratus (24,000 ekar)
Nusajaya kepada orang Melayu.
Selain itu, kongres turut meminta
Jambatan Selat Tebrau yang dikenali sebagai ‘Jambatan Bengkok’ yang
terbengkalai diteruskan semula.
“Rugi kalau jambatan yang dibina
dengan kos RM700 juta itu terbiar. Kalau tambah modal RM700 juta lagi boleh
selesai,” katanya.
Kongres itu juga mengambil ketetapan
untuk menggunakan status Melayu, dan bukan lagi Bumiputera bagi mengelakkan
daripada penyelewengan dan kekeliruan kepada status ‘Bumiputera’ dimanipulasi
oleh pihak lain demi keuntungan pihak tertentu.