My 2008 Vision for MCA, still relevant
for nation (Flashback Part 1)
By Chua Jui Meng
I made a second bid for the MCA presidency in 2008, I came up with an even more
elaborate manifesto than my first one in 2005.
was because the March 2008 political tsunami results were most telling, validating
my 2005 fears of MCA becoming irrelevant to Malaysians, especially the Chinese.
of my ideas and proposals are still relevant, applicable in the context of
Malaysians and good governance.
thrusts of my manifesto were, Rebuild The Party, Return To Relevance and
Realise Vision 2020.
In my forward: The results of
the (March 2008) General Election should serve as a wake-up call to our Party.
MCA has been labelled irrelevant and out of touch with the aspirations of not
only the Malaysian Chinese community but the nation as a whole.
2005, I campaigned for the Presidency on the platform of renewal, as I knew
then even as I know now that without rejuvenating our Party’s mindset and
spirit we would lose the confidence of the community.
also warned that the presidential election then would determine the
acceptability of our Party in the future. I did not realise its acceptability
would have been rejected so quickly.
now predict that unless MCA reforms and transforms within the next three years,
we will face an even worse defeat in the next (13th) General

aim to restore the dignity of our Party, to rebuild our image in the eyes of
the rakyat. If elected, I promise
reform and transformation, transparency and accountability. I intend to return
our Party to relevance and to take active steps in realising the tenets of
Vision 2020.
come to you as a candidate with over 30 years’ involvement in politics. I offer
my 22 years experience as a Member of Parliament and 15 years of service in
Government, 9 (nine) of which I served as a Cabinet Minister.
believe that at this critical period the Party needs senior leaders with the
accumulated years of experience in Cabinet who will be able to articulate
clearly on major issues with the many senior Umno Ministers and leaders for the
achievement of the vision contained in this manifesto.
promise to voice the aspirations of our people in the corridors of power and
make MCA once again a valued partner in the making of the Malaysian dream.
8 (2008) was our wake-up call; let MCA arise to a new dawn on (the) Oct 18
(2008, party elections).
Introduction: On March 8th,
MCA lost 65% of the parliamentary seats we contested. We were completely wiped
out in Penang and lost most of our seats in Perak, Selangor, Negri Sembilan and
Melaka, contributing to the downfall of the BN in 5 (five) states.
ask two questions that every Central Delegate must now answer:
Is MCA today better off than it was 3 (three) years ago? and
Can MCA wait another 3 (three) years to change?

2005, I also asked the question, does the community support us because we
represent them or do they vote for us only because Umno is fair to other races?
answer is now very clear: MCA does not have the support on its own merit. The
question now remains as it did 3 (three) years ago, how can we develop the
Party to the level where the people will support us based on our own merits?
this critical juncture of the Party’s history, how can we remain relevant to
the community we serve and regain their trust? These are the questions that the
Central Delegates must address.
given that privilege to lead as President, I will answer those questions by
initiating a roadmap built on 3 (three) ideas:
we must rebuild the Party and redefine the core values and principles of MCA.
In order to regain our people’s trust, MCA must itself be seen to be
incorruptible, transparent, democratic and a party of honour having core values
that are relevant to our people.
we must return to relevance by getting in touch with the aspirations of
Malaysians. We will commit not only to hearing their grievances and concerns,
but to be a courageous voice for them.
silent politician is no politician! Silent politics is equivalent to zero
we must fight to realise the tenets of Vision 2020, a vision accepted by all
Malaysians for all Malaysians in order to build a harmonious, prosperous and
progressive nation.
will initiate positive discussions within the BN to remove barriers that
inhibit, and to enact legislation that secures the future of our nation.
Overcoming MCA’s Post-May 13th 1969 Syndrome (Flashback Part 2)