在十三届大选完全的拒绝国阵或是在经济上受苦 (Reject BN soundly in GE13 or suffer
使人信服的 昏睡的 困惑的 鲁钝的 弱智的
很明显的, 国阵-巫统不会改变其腐败的方式,并会更加猖狂的掠夺国家的财富。
一个典型的例子是令人可笑的自动执法系统(AES)之实施.由于全国人民强烈的抗议和反对, 它已暂停执行。
民联(PR)精神领袖安华在全国进行的巡回讲座会上曾多次保证马来西亚人, 如果他作为下一任首相宣誓就职时, 他将宣布燃油零售价格会在24小时内降低。
民联(PR)的橙皮书(Buku Jingga)与2013替代财政预算案已清楚勾划了其以人为本的举措和政策。
Ø 改革等机构相关, 如选举委员会,反贪污委员会,总检察长办公室和马来西亚皇家警察,将权力归还给政府的管理制度;
Ø 指示雇员公积金局(EPF), 国库控股公司(Khazanah Bhd)和所有拥有公路特许权的政府机构来收购公路资产,以方便取消通行费(tol);
Ø 改组国家补贴结构,以减少私人界的补贴,如马币190亿的气体补贴,并将存下的钱归还人民;
Ø 认知公务员的任务和优点 - 通过审查他们的薪酬结构,提高他们每月马币500的津贴;
Ø 人民使用水的权利 – 把所有私营化的水资源管理归还给政府;
Ø 在城市和半城市地区提供免费的Wi-Fi无线网络连接;
Ø 提高沙巴,砂拉越,登嘉楼和吉兰丹州的石油税, 从目前的5%至20%,
因此, 马来西亚人不能再继续赌他们和国家的未来, 尤其是目睹了国阵-巫统55年来的掠夺方式。

对于马来西亚人和民联(PR)来说,通过简单多数票赢得了第13届大选是不够的.因为,国阵-巫统有财政手段和能力来劫持人民的选择,正如它在2009年在霹雳州的所作所为. 它必须是一个响亮的胜利,完全的了断贪得无厌的国阵-巫统。
Wednesday, 19 December 2012 17:13
firm to take Selayang Council to court

“The judicial review application will be heard on February 14,” a lawyer for the concessionaire, Alex De Silva, told The Malaysian Insider when contacted today.
The Sepang local council had, in a letter dated December 6, ordered Beta Tegap to dismantle two of its cameras that had been set up on the North-South Highway and the South Klang Valley Expressway within 14 days.
Beta Tegap is seeking to declare the local council has no jurisdiction over the two highways, but the company’s legal standing will likely be raised as well because it is a private company contracted to install the speed-trap cameras while traffic summonses are issued by the Road Transport Department, considered the rightful authority to issue any legal challenge.
The Attorney-General’s Chambers (AGC) has ordered a halt to all court proceedings related to the AES summonses to study legal issues that have been raised even as it said the tickets were still valid, it said in a statement yesterday.
Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng in a statement today acknowledged the AGC’s statement as “legally correct” but insisted “there should be no more unnecessary delay in putting an end to this sordid scheme of allowing two BN crony companies to profit based on commissions imposed on every traffic summons disguised as enforcement to reduce accidents”.
The Malaysian Insider had reported yesterday that Putrajaya was considering suspending the implementation of the system as it appeared to duplicate police speed traps along the highways.
It is understood that Transport Minister Kong Cho Ha has been one of the few ministers who have been defending the implementation of the AES behind closed doors.
The privatised RM700 million project began in September with a pilot phase of 14 cameras but the RTD has pledged to roll out a total of 831 cameras by end-2013 to catch speeding motorists and prevent more road deaths.
The police, who enforce the speeding laws, have said they will continue enforcement and carry on putting up mobile speed traps near the AES cameras, raising the prospect of dual fines for errant motorists.
“The government is considering putting on hold the implementation of the AES due to the duplication of the summons system. That will cause hardship,” a source had told The Malaysian Insider.
He also noted that several lawmakers from the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) have also asked the government to stop the implementation until all views are considered.
Another source said the government wants to ensure the AES will help ensure that motorists follow speed limits throughout their journey rather than just in the areas where the cameras are situated.
“This system is to enforce speed limits and ensure road safety,” he added. –themalaysianinsider
AES operator gets leave to challenge MPS' decision
Posted on 19 December 2012 - 06:51pm
Last updated on 19 December 2012 - 10:16pm
Last updated on 19 December 2012 - 10:16pm

High Court justice Datuk Zaleha Yusof granted the leave in chambers in the presence of lawyers Alex De Silva, representing Beta Tegap, and M. Indrani and K. Kandiah, both for MPS.
De Silva told reporters later that the court also ordered MPS to not take any action pending a court decision on his client's application which had been fixed for case management on Feb 6 and the hearing on Feb 14.
Beta Tegap filed the application seeking a certiorari order to quash the decision by MPS. According to Beta Tegap, the municipal council, through a letter dated Nov 19 this year, required that the company apply for permission to install the AES poles and cameras at KM301.7 of the North-South Expressway and at KM6.6 of the South Klang Valley Expressway, both located in Dengkil, Sepang.
The MPS, in a letter dated Dec 6, ordered the company to dismantle the cameras within 14 days of the notice. Following which, Beta Tegap filed an application to the court seeking a declaration that MPS had no jurisdiction over the two highways. – Bernama/theSun